Bayberry Inn Ocean City NJ
Bayberry Inn Ocean City NJ

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Serenity at the Shore

Welcome to The Bayberry Inn Bed and Breakfast located in Ocean City, NJ

Built in the early 1900s, The Bayberry Inn served as a guest house for many years as well as a private residence. Today The Bayberry Inn welcomes visitors to cozy accommodations lovingly restored in the most pleasant surroundings of historic Ocean City, New Jersey.

When you decide to take in the ocean, sun and sand, you have your choice of two protected beaches within one block at 8th and 9th Streets. The bed and breakfast is located in the historic district, we are just two short blocks to the beach and boardwalk.

Directly behind The Bayberry Inn is the famous Ocean City Music Pier, home of the Ocean City Pops, where various evening concerts are held throughout the season. Also nearby, you will find many quaint upscale shops as well as a varied cuisine of fine restaurants.

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Bayberry Inn Blog

Many guests who visit Ocean City every summer ask if we ever get snow.  Most people cannot imagine "their shore town" and beach covered in snow.  Like many towns in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area, some winters are warm with no snow and others are very cold and snowy.  This winter has been one of cold and snow.  Since January 1, 2022, Ocean City has seen over...

Ocean City Restaurant Association will again be offering fixed priced menus for Restaurant Week from June 7 to June 14.  Restaurants will be offering specials for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If you will be in town during this week, you can check out the specials at each participating restaurant by going to www....

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Ocean City NJ
Association of Lodging Professionals